Bright blue sky, felt 20 degrees in the shade and a clear view of the beautiful mountains. These Easter in Grindelwald are beautiful and almost better than a holiday by the sea. Just in time for Easter the daffodils are beaming everywhere, mostly in the...

Lake Brienz, one of the most beautiful lakes in the Bernese Oberland. "Cold but cool" is the setting to be able to swim. facts Lake Brienz is about 14 km long and 2.8 km wide. Its surface is about 29.8 km2 and its maximum depth is 260...

The famous open-air museum in Hofstetten near Brienz in the Bernese Oberland. Also The Ballenberg shows various parts of the country and historical buildings, which were also imported from the respective parts of the country. The area extends over 66 hectares and is dotted with...